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Shine Online

Look and Feel Fabulous in photos and videos so you show up powerfully confident for your audience

It all feels so overwhelming

You know you should be showing up online to build your business, but........

You don't like how you look and sound on camera.

You've been stuck because you want to get it right and don't want to fumble over your words.

The double chin. It's all you see when you're on screen.

Lighting, sound, camera angles.... and the background!  Ugh

You hate how you look in pictures and postpone getting photos taken until you lose weight.

You don't feel polished, professional...or ready!

Deciding what to wear and not look like a hot mess adds to the overwhelm.

What if there was a solution???

How amazing would it be for your business...

If it felt easy?

If you knew how to use lighting and camera angles to show off your best self?

If you looked radiant in your website photos,  Instagram lives, and Zoom calls?


you could make a fantastic first impression on your ideal audience with your unique, personal style and stellar camera presence?

you could feel so energized that you wake up in the morning with excitement and confidence in yourself, your unique beauty, and your messaging?

you could FINALLY learn how to dress for your body type once and for all, without having to take another online quiz, and it works both online AND in person?

you no longer felt like hiding with the camera turned off???

How would it feel if you could start showing up on camera with ease?


Shine Online

A 7-week program to look & feel beautifully confident on camera

The truth..…

You became an expert in your field but nothing in your training taught you the online stuff.

Wouldn’t it be great if someone could box it all up for you in one place and tell you exactly what you need to do to
 LOOK, FEEL, and BE fabulous on camera so you can grow your business and brand?  

Say Hello to your new best friend, Shine Online!

It's time to show up and make a bigger impact on your business.
Shine Online is what you need!

By the end of Shine Online, you'll feel like a pro

Module 1: Defining Your Business and Your Brand
*getting clear on what you want your audience to experience when they see you in photos and videos

Module 2: Shine Your Light
*lighting, voice, messaging and more so you shine like the expert you are

Module 3: Learning to Love the Lens
*posing, angles and body language to be the most flattering for you

Module 4: Your True Colors
*know your skin tone and the colors that make you look radiant

Module 5: Your Body Type and Face Shape
*know exactly what to wear to show off the best version of you

Module 6: Camera-Ready Hair & Makeup
*hair and makeup on camera that works for you and looks great behind the lens

Module 7: Your whole package celebration
*A set of photos & videos to use in your business

This is what clients are saying about Shine Online

 "There was not just one thing about this program that helped me. It was the whole package! It made me think about who I am talking to on camera which is so important. The health tips are golden! Just losing a little weight made me feel so good, but finding my power color was everything!! Then add the tips and tricks for makeup, hair, and lighting... Yes!!!! It was everything I needed and more!! Thank you!!

Denise Maloney
Women's Business Coach

 "This program is so much more than camera confidence. It helped me learn how to compliment my features and skin tone so that I'm styled in harmony with the best version of myself; and that allows the content that I'm teaching on camera, to be delivered more effectively because I FEEL confident!

Lynn Doucette
Empowerment Coach for Divorced Women

 "I definitely can't make the excuse that I can't be camera-ready! I know what I need to look and feel great on camera and now feel ready to create my digital course without feeling self-conscious. Thank you!

Christine Champagne
Founder of Motherhood Foundations

 "Christine offers a welcoming space where students feel comfortable being vulnerable about being on camera. I now know how to make myself camera-ready with makeup and styling tips that work to my strengths. I highly recommend working with her if you need help presenting the best version of yourself on camera."

Amber A
Reinvention Coach &
Mastermind Leader

 "I was petrified to speak on camera. Christine coached me in such a way that I was able to leave caution to the wind and I just did it. That opened the door and now I  go on video and do it relaxed! I feel ready to record my digital course. Thank you, Christine!"

Sharon A
Certified Functional Medicine
Health Coach

 "I've been a public speaker for 20+ years but struggled to feel confident showing my face online. Christine's program has given me the tools to show up with confidence. If you're looking to not only show up in a bigger way online but in LIFE, her program is for you. " 

Dr. Wendy Hendrichs
Chiropractor, Author & Founder of Shift in Health

Before you scroll any further, let’s make sure you’re a good fit

Shine Online is for you if...

You are right for Shine Online if you not only want to look and feel confidently fabulous on camera but also want to make a smashing first impression that keeps your audience engaged and coming back for more.

Shine Online is right for you if you want an easy-to-follow system that helps you create a quick signature look that aligns with your brand personality, so you not only know what to wear, but you’ll also know what to say and how to connect with the lens.

Shine Online Enrollment

Two plans to choose from
1. Essential Plan
2. Accelerator Plan  (includes 2 private coaching calls)

 Essential Program
one -time payment of

$997 (or get started for $397)

Accelerator Program
includes 2 private coaching calls


Hear what a previous client has to say....

Shine Online is your way out of…

Camera Shyness
Perfectionism and analysis by paralysis
Thrown together, blah appearance
Stress and weight gain
Unhealthy routines
Stagnant business growth

Here are some extras...

1. Private Community with Office Hours to get your specific questions answered
2. On-Camera Makeup and Product Shopping Guide
3. Weekly health tips to help improve your energy, focus, and body image

How I went from being self-conscious about myself in pictures to confidently showing up in photos and videos

Before I had a coaching website…
Before I had a podcast…
Before I coached women on how to show up with confidence on camera…
Before I created Shine Online…  

I was super confident in the many hats I wore, but also stuck in perfectionism.  

When the camera was pointing in my direction, I “confidently” stood in the back and popped my head out with a smile.

Confident mom, hiding in plain sight.
Confident business owner, hiding in plain sight.  

My path to being confident on camera did not come easy.  

In my 30 years as a chiropractor, I rarely had to be on camera.  

When I opened a beauty salon, cameras entered my world in a BIG way
and I made ALL of the mistakes.  

After learning how hair and makeup look in photos, which lighting is best, how to use voice to hold attention and how to dress for body type, I now know how to help women feel confident so they SHINE.

Hi, I’m Dr.  Christine Braneli

Mother of 2 kids in their 20's, lover of Latin music, salsa dancing, and unofficial travel ambassador to Italy.

I teach female entrepreneurs and professional women how to LOOK and FEEL fabulous on camera, so they show up for their audience with confidence.

Getting yourself comfortable on video matters NOW more than ever because that's how your audience is looking for you.

I’m a Chiropractor with a focus on women’s health, the founder of a highly niched beauty salon, a Certified Image Consultant, and also...
Dog mom of a Havanese
Recovered disordered-eating survivor
Recovered people-pleaser  
RecoverING perfectionist

Using my years of business ownership and experience, I help others accelerate their businesses by showing up on camera with confidence, polish, and poise, much faster and easier than I did. 

If you’re still scrolling, you may still have some questions.
Let's see if I read your mind…

Shine Online is a 7-week program for female entrepreneurs, course creators and professional women to refine their appearance and presence on camera so they show up for their audience with star-style confidence.

Shine Online is going to help you nail your 1st impressions in photos and videos and give you to the tools you need to overcome the obstacles that make you feel insecure about having a camera pointed at you. But it’s so much more than that…

It will help define your personal brand, define your messaging and as a result BUILD YOUR BUSINESS.

By the end of the program, you will:

1. Know how to rock a Zoom call with style.
2. Know how to set up lighting that enhances your appearance.
3. Know how to use video to reach your audience with ease.
4. Know which body language helps build trust with your audience.
5. Feel equipped to walk up to a makeup counter or into a store like Sephora, without overwhelm.
6. Know how to apply makeup that shows up on camera without looking like you’re wearing too much makeup but if you want full-glam,      you’ll learn that too.
7. Save time and money by shopping for clothes and accessories that work best for you. (both on and off camera)

BONUS: Know how to energize your body and mind so you show up for your business every day, looking and feeling vibrant.

So much support! To begin with, we have a private community where you will get direct feedback from Christine (your instructor) AND weekly LIVE COACHING calls answering your questions. Don’t worry if you miss a call. The replays will be made available inside the Facebook group! And if you find this is not enough support, you can upgrade your course experience to include 1:1 Private Coaching as a VIP at any time. Just send us an email and we’ll help get you started.

You will be given one module per week. This is done to protect your time and attention and to ensure you feel confident in what you’ve learned before moving into the next week’s material.

 Great question! Not at all. Although on-camera hair and makeup are covered, we also get into personal branding, body language and voice on camera, as well as lighting and camera angles. It’s the full meal deal!

This course is for you if you want to make a smashing first impression on camera. Of course, makeup is not required to do that, but makeup tutorials comprise one full week of this course so that whenever you DO decide you want to wear some makeup for photo and video-shoots (or any special event) you’ll know exactly how to do it.

Absolutely not! This course is designed with YOU in mind! You will learn everything you need to start showing up like the expert you are.

This course is for the female entrepreneur and professional who wants to look and feel great including hair, makeup, body language, voice, body image, lighting, and camera angles. If you only want to learn about lighting and tech, stay tuned for upcoming workshops instead.

You’re not alone! MANY others in this program are nervous, too. That is one reason there is a SAFE SPACE inside a private group for ONLY the students in the program, where you will post, practice, and receive real-time guidance and feedback.. You’ll also learn tips and tricks to overcome the “stage fright” of being on camera, but ultimately the work of overcoming fear is up to you. You’ll have LOTS of opportunities to practice before getting out into the “real” world.

Both! You will learn how to dress for both, body language for both, voice on video AND you’ll also be practicing inside our private group. By the time the program is over, you’re going to love the lens because it’s the golden ticket to your audience!

While this is not a weight loss or wellness program, some students have lost up to 10 pounds following the simple health tips each week. Always seek the advice of your licensed healthcare professional for health-related matters.

We’re so confident you’ll love Shine Online that we offer a 14-day money-back guarantee. This will give you plenty of time to be inside the course for the 1st two modules.

If after 14 days of working through the program, which covers defining and refining your personal brand and on-camera image, and you don’t feel totally motivated and confident in your ability to learn all about how to incorporate beauty, styling and presentation so that you can show up on camera looking and feeling fabulous, simply reach out. Show that you’ve put in the work for the 1st two modules and you will be issued a full refund. 

This site is not part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

REFUND POLICY: We’re so confident you’ll love CRA that we offer a 14-day money-back guarantee. This will give you plenty of time to be inside the course for the 1st two modules of Camera Ready Academy. If after 14 days of working through CRA, which covers defining and refining your personal brand and on-camera image, and you don’t feel totally motivated and confident in your ability to learn all about how to incorporate beauty, styling and presentation so that you can show up on camera looking and feeling fabulous, simply reach out. Show that you’ve put in the work for the 1st two modules and you will be issued a full refund.